Best EDC Websites: Learn and Shop From These

The most frequent question we receive is “what EDC websites should I use?” 

Instead of replying one-off, we decided to create an article answering this question. And we’ll update regularly with new information. 

The internet is full of information and online stores. But only some can be trusted. We’ve sourced the best of the best for you. 

Let’s get into it. 

Best EDC websites and shops

We’ve separated the list into websites sharing knowledge about EDC and websites that offer the best prices and highest-quality EDC gear.

EDC knowledge

Hey, that’s us! We pride ourselves on our honesty. While we make commissions on products, we do not allow this to sway our reviews. 

There’s a bin in our office of products we’ve reviewed but have chosen not to write about because they didn’t stack up. Maybe we’ll get around to posting some pictures of the bin.

We prefer to send negative feedback to the company instead of writing a negatively focused review. We always include the good and bad but when the bad outweighs the good we throw it in the bin (product and our post). 

You can think of us as the real no-spin zone. (Hold us to it.)

Acquired by in 2022 for an undisclosed amount. EveryDayCarry is an excellent website. Most of their content was written by their audience. This is good and bad. You get to see what people think about the gear but it’s no different than reading a review on the product’s website. 

We battle-test the products we review in the field so you don’t have to. When you purchase a product we reviewed, you know everything about it and your reservations are negligible.

Another popular information website has deteriorated over the past year. Sad but true. They still have several decent reviews of cool gear and links to cool companies. 

Such a shame but at least you have and 

EDC gear stores


If you’re looking for a one-stop shop for all your EDC needs, look no further than They’ve got everything you could possibly need to make your everyday carry as efficient and stylish as possible. 

From wallets to phone cases to keychains, they’ve got you covered. And if you’re not sure what you need, their helpful staff is always happy to offer suggestions. 

So whether you’re an EDC newbie or a seasoned pro, is the place to go.

True Utility

True Utility’s motto is “designed to be intentional.” 

They sell quality products at affordable prices. Their inventory ranges from keychain accessories to an assortment of knives and multi-tools.


The Gallantry carries almost everything you’d carry day-to-day. From backpacks to keychains to pens, they have you covered. 

While the prices are high, the quality is impeccable. They also have a forgiving return policy if needed. 


Don’t scoff at Amazon. A lot of quality brands sell their gear on Amazon. 

Honestly, who doesn’t shop A LOT at Amazon. 

You can find Kershaw and Benchmade knives as well as Gerber multi-tools and Sitka packs.


Huckberry is your conventional outdoor store. You’ll find about everything you need for a trip into the woods. 

They carry quality gear that’s not the big brand names you might recognize such as Patagonia or North Face.

Bespoke Post

Bespoke Post is similar to Huckberry in what it sells. Basically anything you’d need for the woods, your house, and your pockets. 

They are a well-known brand with excellent customer service. 

Urban EDC Supply

Urban EDC Supply only carries what someone interested in EDC would care about. They have an excellent assortment of knives, tools, and gadgets. 

Their Urban EDC Gnat-S XL is a neat little knife that we’re eyeing. 

Columbia River Knife and Tool

Definitely visit this site to check out their knives. The cool thing about Columbia River Knife and Tool is they include the maker’s name with the knife and tool. It’s neat to see who made the knife (and that it was made by a person, not a machine).

Dango Products

Dango specializes in wallets and watches. Oh and check out their tactical wallets. This is another product we have on our list to review in the future. We’re very interested.


GOVX sells almost every piece of outdoor equipment you could think of. And the neat thing about the site is they offer exclusive discounts to the military, first responders, and law enforcement. 

Shop responsibility, shop EDC

We’ve covered a lot. Hope you’ve found at least one new store to visit. And please drop us a note if we left a site off. We’re always looking to vet and add more. 

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